Friday, 9 May 2014

A man's man?

'I like to be treated like a princess! Like a man who knows how to be a man...'

During my, now slightly longer than previous, time on online dating platforms I've come across a number of unbelievable statements. 

The above quote is a prime example. When someone would like to be treated like a 'princess' is that in the Diana way, or the Princess Barbie way? In either case, they'll be covered in cum, and end up being shovelled out of the crumpled wreckage of regret. 

Instantly that statement is a massive turn-off. A princess conjures up the image of a hopeless, helpless, limp-wristed, self-absorbed, baby making machine. Who wants that? 

OK. That's not fair. I am sure there are plenty of guys who want nothing than a trophy girl who they can rail as and when the need requires. I just can't believe there are too many of those sort of guys anymore. 

Can you honestly want a girl who needs to have everyone done for her? Who needs to be constantly reassured and validated about her sense of self, that in fact you start recording affirmation videos for her to wake up to while you plough the field? 

What does the second part of the quote mean? What does it mean to be a man? There are many shades of 'Man'. 

Does it mean to be a sexist, bigoted, homophobic knuckle-head who shove his princess's face into a pillow while he watches 'da game'?

I doubt I'm the sort of man who knows how to be a man. I'm hugely uncomfortable around guys who do guy things, drinking beer while staring at motors.

When in such situations I try to style it out. I've learned grunting a lot helps. Grunting being the universal man language for 'yes', 'no', 'nice tits' and the like. 

Were they loved too little, or more likely, too much by their fathers? Were their mothers equally as unempowered?  Is it a conscious effort of femininity to demand a level of powerlessness? 

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